APDA Northwest is proud to present a series of free virtual workshops designed to give you practical tools and techniques to help you improve your quality of life with PD.
Next Session
In this session we will focus on practical tools for the Care Partner. We welcome back Occupational Therapist, Heidi Huynh from Ascend Therapy services who will share with you practical skills and tools that will help you safely assist a loved one.
Topics Covered:
- Activities for Daily Living
- Bed mobility
- Safely assisting with transfers
- Safe Walking
Facilitated By Heidi Huynh, OTR, CTRS
Occupational Therapist
Ascend Therapy Services
2025 Series Topics include:
- Cognitive Fitness
- Nutritional Strategies
- Protect Your Swallowing
- And MORE!
2024 Series
Recordings can be found on the APDA Northwest YouTube Channel
4 Weeks to PD-PRO: Optimizing Your Diet with Parkinson’s Disease
In this four-week course, you will learn about the PD-PRO diet and its connection improved quality of life with Parkinson’s disease, how to manage common Parkinson’s symptoms, transitioning to a plant-based diet, and the role of diet in reducing inflammation and supporting brain health. Acquire the knowledge and tools to integrate brain-protective foods into your daily meals, all while optimizing nutrition and flavor.
Facilitated by Kelly Morrow, MS, RDN, FAND
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Seattle Integrative Medicine
Held in Jan-Feb 2024
Hand On Helpful Caregiving
Throughout these workshops you will learn how to help the one you care for help themselves, using a variety of techniques including adaptive tools, simple modifications to the environment, and adjusting positioning / using proper ergonomics. You will come away with the tools needed to put these techniques into action and the understanding of how big changes can result from even little adjustments. This will allow you and those you care for to work as a team throughout the day.
Facilitated By Heidi Huynh, OTR, CTRS
Occupational Therapist
Ascend Therapy Services
Held in March of 2024
Finessing Fine Motor Skills
We use our hands and our fine motor skills throughout many tasks on a daily basis. During this workshop series you will not only learn about tools and techniques to maximize your fine motor skills at home, but also participate in exercises and activities as a group together. Work alongside each other as we strengthen, stretch, and coordinate these precise muscles to maximize independence and accuracy throughout daily activity.
Facilitated By Heidi Huynh, OTR, CTRS
Occupational Therapist
Ascend Therapy Services
Held in May of 2024
Beat the Freeze
Freezing of gait can cause people with Parkinson’s Disease to feel stuck in their tracks. During this workshop series, we will discuss the complexities of why freezing occurs. You will learn practical tools that physical therapists utilize to help manage freezing episodes.
Facilitated by Dr. Jennie Allex & Dr. Nate Coomer
Physical Therapists
Parkinson’s Fitness Project
Held in August of 2024
Power Up Your Voice
Take control of your voice and fight back against the changes Parkinson’s can bring. In this 4-week series you’ll learn techniques and tools to keep your voice strong, clear, and confident. With expert guidance and practical exercises, you’ll gain the skills to maintain your vocal strength and communication abilities for the long haul. Don’t wait for changes – be proactive in preserving your voice!
Facilitated by Jessica Aubin, MS CCC-SLP
Speech-Language Pathologist
Aubin Speech & Language Center
Held in November 2024