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Parkinson’s Disease Publications

APDA has created more than 40 informational booklets and fact sheets to help educate you and your loved ones about Parkinson’s disease (PD). They are available at no cost to you, and most are available in both English and Spanish.

You can download any of our publications for free by clicking on the title(s) that interest you.  If you’d like to request hard copies be mailed to you (also free), please scroll down to place an order.


Basic Information on Parkinson’s Disease/How We Can Help
Parkinson’s Disease Handbook
Parkinson’s Disease Handbook (Spanish)
Be Active & Beyond – A Guide to Exercise and Wellness for People with Parkinson’s Disease
Be Active & Beyond – A Guide to Exercise and Wellness for People with Parkinson’s Disease (Spanish)
Helping Those Who Serve: Parkinson’s Disease Information For The Veterans Community
-Additional Update to Helping Those Who Serve
My Mommy Has PD
Communicating About Off Episodes
Make Your Voice Heard! Healthy Communication and Parkinson’s Disease

PD Movers – We Keep Moving
Living and Thriving with Parkinson’s Disease in Our Black and African American Communities

Fact Sheets (Available to Print)

Becoming a Care Partner
Oral Health and Parkinson’s Disease
Fatigue in Parkinson’s Disease
Depression and Parkinson’s Disease
Understanding Bladder Symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease
Constipation and Parkinson’s Disease
Cognitive Changes in Parkinson’s Disease
Everyday Helpful Hints
Medications Approved
Medications to Avoid
Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease – 10 Things You Can Do Now 
Medical ID Cards
Motor Fluctuations
Mild Cognitive Impairment
Healthy Minds, Addressing Your Mental Health
Understanding Drooling in Parkinson’s Disease
Understanding Clinical Trials
Nutrition and Parkinson’s Disease
Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s Disease

Fact Sheets (Download Only)

Communication and Intimacy in Parkinson’s Disease
Understanding Dyskinesia
Staying Healthy, Keeping Fit
Neurogenic Orthostatic Hypotension in Parkinson’s Disease
Living Well with Parkinson’s Disease
Talking to Your Teen About Parkinson’s Disease

Publications in Spanish/Publicaciones en Español

Enfermedad de Parkinson guía Informativa – Parkinson’s Disease Handbook
Mantente Activo y Aumenta tu Bienestar – Be Active and Beyond
Cómo Puedo Ayudar – How We Can Help
Constipación y enfermedad de Parkinson – Constipation
Cambios cognitivos en la enfermedad de Parkinson – Cognitive Changes
La depresión y la enfermedad de Parkinson – Depression
La Fatiga en la enfermedad de Parkinson – Fatigue
La Enfermedad de Parkinson y la Salud Bucal- Oral Health & Parkinson’s Disease
Como vivir con la enfermedad de Parkinson – 10 Things You Can do Now
Medicamentos aprobados para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Parkinson – Medications Approved
Medicamentos que se deben evitar o usar con precaución – Medications to Avoid
Sintomas Urinarios en la Enfermedad de Parkinson- Bladder Symptoms & Parkinson’s Disease
Fluctuaciones motoras en enfermedad de Parkinson – Motor Fluctuations in Parkinson’s Disease
Mi Mami Tiene EP – My Mommy Has PD
Deterioro Cognitivo Leve en la Enfermedad de Parkinson – Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s Dissease
Cómo comunicar a su médico el estado/fase “off” y la discinesia – Communicating About Off Episodes
Período OFF, discinesias y enfermedad de Parkinson – OFF period, dyskinesias and Parkinson’s disease
Ensayos clínicos en la enfermedad de Parkinson: Lo que debe saber – Clinical Trials Factsheet
Tarjeta de identificacion de contacto – Medical ID Card

Publications in Simplified Chinese/中文出版物

帕金森病手册 – Parkinson’s Disease Handbook
运动健康手册- Be Active & Beyond (A Guide to Exercise and Wellness for People with Parkinson’s Disease)
医疗身份证 – Medical ID Card