Resources & Support

 Illinois Resources & Support


APDA Illinois provides Parkinson’s Education Programs throughout the year.

Check out the next Education program.

Support Groups

Joining a support group is a great way to connect with others who understand what you are going through, learn about Parkinson disease and ways to cope with the challenges that come with having PD.

Join a Group


APDA Illinois provides a variety of exercise classes, including in-person, YouTube classes, and virtual exercise classes.

Start exercising now.

Resource Information

Give APDA Illinois a call if you have questions or would like information about all kinds of topics and so much more. 

Learn more.


Produced twice a year, APDA Illinois’ newsletter contains articles, program information, and ways to donate.

Read the latest issue.

Recursos En Español for Spanish Speakers

Understanding the critical need to provide support to diverse Parkinson’s populations, APDA increased efforts to provide Spanish educational materials. To date, nine APDA brochures and supplements have been written in Spanish, and more continue to be developed. Additionally, APDA offers access to live phone support in Spanish through the 800-223-2732 toll-free helpline. Finally, an “En Español” section has been added to the APDA website to ensure that the Spanish-speaking community can get the important care and support they need.

First Responders Parkinson’s Awareness Training Program

This 1-2 hour web-based course with instructional videos intended to provide overall education about Parkinson’s disease and information on protocols for the first responder when interacting with a person who shows the signs of Parkinson’s.  The first responder’s training program has been posted on state training websites in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Other states will be adding the program in the coming year; CEUs may be available through these states’ websites. A non-CEU version of the program is available on the APDA website via the link below.

This program meets the educational goals in Section 4b4 of the New Jersey Parkinson’s Disease Public Awareness and Education Act (A-2576.) signed into New Jersey state law in December 2014.

Financial Hardship Fund

The APDA Illinios Chapter has a limited amount of funds available to assist people with Parkinson’s disease (PWP) who are experiencing financial hardship. This fund is intended to help improve PWP’s quality of life.  To be considered for an award, the applicant must have a diagnosis of PD/Parkinsonism; be experiencing financial difficulties; understand that this award is not intended as an ongoing support fund; complete a post-experience survey; reside in the community, not in a rehabilitation center, long-term care, or skilled nursing facility; and understand that the payment may take at least 30 days to process after the application is approved.  (A detailed list of the eligibility guidelines is on the application.)

Awards are made on a first-come basis and are subject to the approval of an application and the availability of funds. The fund is subject to change or discontinuation with limited notice.

If you have any questions or need assistance exploring additional community resources, contact the APDA IA Chapter at 708-329-9527 or for more information.

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