Be an Advocate

The active support of an idea or cause.

You become a Parkinson’s disease advocate whenever you become involved in activities intended to improve the lives of people living with PD. Some advocates demonstrate their support in subtle and personal ways, while others make more obvious and public contributions of their time, attention and/or funds. Whether you choose to engage in some of the activities noted here or find your own unique way of lending support, know that the work of every PD advocate strengthens the voice of the entire PD community and makes a better future possible.


You can work to help fight Parkinson’s disease whether others know you are impacted by the disease or not. From your neighbors to your congressional representatives, you can increase awareness of PD and YOPD by educating others and encouraging those in your community to join your cause.


Talk to other people with PD. You may be able to find a support group specifically for young onset patients or a general support group that holds separate meetings for younger members.

Support Our Mission

To support your local Be an Advocate chapter please click the button below: